Marefi Eelder Care

Senior Care Center Admits First Five Residents

Five Elders now reside in our Senior Care Center, which will be Noble Geriatric Center when built well in the future.  These five men all had different reasons.  They care for themselves but require feeding and sociability.  Sometimes we find one of them chopping wood, others starting the cooking fire (not usually a man’s job) or actually cooking.  One of the five.

Update on Ato Engda Demise who was featured in our April, 2017 Newsletter.  Leaving the oppression and abuse of his son’s home, he now enjoys companionship, safety, regular meals and a quiet place to rest.  He is blind but he soon adapted to walking about with his cane, finding his way to the latrine, etc. One day he told us more of his story – he arranged for his own farm property to be transferred to his son.  He expected this would ensure a home until he died.  However, his plan did not come to fruition.  Instead he was despised, mistreated and he became very depressed.  We are very glad to welcome him into our Senior Care Center and his depression is lifting day-by-day.